I hope everyone is keeping warm, I think winter is officially here. We have yet to have snow much to the disgust of my two boys but to the relief of me!
I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit you all recently, every minute of my day has been filled up with ongoing work, but when I do get a couple of minutes to breath I find myself drawn to the nostalgia of childhood items where there were no stresses or worries and where time always seemed to stand still.
Puffin books (as I commonly call them) is one of my childhood memories. I know you can still buy Puffin books now, but I remember periodically getting the Puffin book list at school. The excitement of taking it home and pouring over all the books I wanted. Like with my two boys now, I don't resent spending money on books and my parents were more than happy for me to order a couple of books at the time.
When they then arrived (which seemed a life time) I used to smell them - there's something lovely about getting a new book and it being so crisp and untouched. Unfortunately most of my Puffin books went - but I still have a few and jump on them if I see them in charity shops.
If the book is interesting, it's a bonus - I'm attracted to the fact that it's a Puffin book and the memories they evoke.
Fuzzy Felt is another childhood memory. I used to spend hours and hours creating all sorts of scenes with it. Who would have thought that a few bits of felt stuck onto a board would bring pleasure 60 odd years since it was first bought out.
In times of stress and pressure, what do reflect on?
Where is time vanishing? I can't believe where November's going. I keep meaning to blog, but have been weighed down with lots of work to keep me out of mischief.......
I feel Christmas will be upon me without much thought at this rate! Mind you, I have 2 boys who are itching for the big day already, in fact the eldest is the worst. (I'm not sure what he's hoping for!), but he reminds me frequently of the number of days left! By December, it'll be getting on my pip I'm sure of it.
I had such great intentions to make a new Christmas themed runner for the dining table, a bit of this and a bit of that but I really need to get some WIP's completed One I did manage to complete was this -
a modern version of the paper chain. Using simple knit stitch, it's a great way of using remnants of wool. Make them as long as you like and you know they'll never tear!!
Back to my title - recycling. During the summer I trotted along to the Cotswold Vintage fair which was fantastic. I purchased this lovely item -
I apologise to the ladies who made them as I can't remember who they were, but please put your hand up if it was you! The Golden Syrup tins are so iconic and turning it into a pin cushion is such a novel idea.
Having just finished the Black Treacle, I thought I might also turn the tin into a pin cushion - you can never have too many pin cushions and also a great way of recycling! The tin's are too nice to shove in the recycling box.
Lastly - has anyone been watching Turn Back Time - the High Street? Isn't it great?
I have been wanting one of this old phones for a while, but everywhere I've looked, they've either been too expensive, or have been reproductions. I got this one of Ebay for a good price and I love the colour of it. I do have to say, I get slightly unnerved when it rings as I'm not used to the traditional sound it makes!
This phone was made in the 70's and is in such good condition - all I needed to do was to plug it in! I had also forgotten the 'cup' they used to have at the back for carrying them around. Just think how many were discarded 20-30 years ago, and now they're back in fashion?!
Despite wanting to rebel slightly, I am being sucked into Christmas mode, mainly due to the Christmas orders I'm having to make. So, I've reluctantly given in and have given some thought to presents this year.
I made this at the weekend -
Peanut Butter fudge (a Sophie Dahl) recipe. Interestingly, Nina also made the recipe, but put a great topping on hers. I wasn't a great fan of Sophie's programme, but this recipe is great as it uses icing sugar which worked really well.
I thought I might make this and/or a variation to give as gifts this year. It's cheap, simple and I think it would make a nice present especially if it's prettied up (and that the recipient likes fudge!).
Despite the temperatures dropping considerably over the last few days, I still have a few flowers also determined to rebel!
Well folks, another week ends and this one just seemed to vanish!
I kept meaning to post a picture of our tree and it's glorious colour, but here it is last Saturday
and here it is now
- by Monday all it's leaves had dropped so I'm so glad I took a picture of it prior! The colours seem so beautiful this year, it's apparently due to all the mild weather we've had, the trees have been able to hold onto the leaves - hence we're seeing the colour on the trees, rather than on the ground!
This week has seen me catching up on outstanding and current work, but I did fancy a good route round our loft to pull out this fella -
I'm ashamed to say, I sold/donated a lot of baby related stuff many moons ago, but for some reason wanted to keep 'George'. My parents bought him for Jack one Christmas, just as he was beginning to walk.
He's still got all his fur and hasn't got that 'old' feel yet but I really felt he deserved coming into the warmth of the house so we can still appreciate him! Maybe in another 20 years he'll look old and worn and will be worth 3x the amount he is now....
I think I need to make him something though - maybe a little patchwork coat to put over his back??? what do you reckon?
I'm back! - I didn't think I would be away for more than a week but never mind. Thanks for all your lovely comments about my disastrous week I had, they were all really appreciated.
Last week was half term, so I thought it would be a good chance for a bit of R & R.........
We still had ongoing issues with Comet who, after 3 attempts still didn't rearrange the installation of our new Range. However, they did take the money for it and had the audacity when we asked for the refund to not refund all of it. It's now in the hands of the credit card company.
We ended up getting a chap who lives local to us, to fit it, and indeed charged us less than Comet did. He, whilst installing it, recounted lots of horror stories involving Comet, so it's a company I will not be using again.
Here's the newbie anyway, and I'm mighty pleased with it.
Half term was a flurry of activities, most of which I couldn't keep up with. We did take a trip to the big smoke and went to the British Museum, one I had never been to before, and what a fantastic place it was too. I forgot to take my camera so no photo's I'm afraid. It's great that we can visit the capital and take the opportunity of going to so many free museums, housed in such fantastic buildings.
As the boys' are looking at Egyptians at school, it was a good opportunity to go to the Egyptian room where the 'mummies' were housed. It's incredible that after all these years we are able to look at what the Egyptians did.
By the end of the week, I was pooped, so I thought why not take a trip to the Vintage fair in Frome for a bit of retail therapy - always good for the soul! It was extremely busy, but a great atmosphere with vintage music playing in the background.
I did resist a lot of things, but came away with Mrs Eiderdown (I did pick it up, put it down, walk away twice). Excuse the poor photo's - this weather is not conducive to good photo's!
I also added to my Practical Household magazine collection - this one is a Christmas issue so I'm looking forward to having a good read of it.
I love this vase with it's green lid.
This little plastic basket is so pretty. I've got nowhere to put it so will have to do some juggling around of a few bits this week I think!
Lastly, a dog book end which will look lovely propping up some old Enid Blyton books.
I hope everyone gets off to a good start this week. I'm craving for some normality, and more importantly, catching up on everyone's blogs!