I can't believe it's been a week since my last post, and boy what a week it's been. Non stop 'stuff'.
The decorations are slowly making their way to their temporary new homes, the Christmas tree has been bought in from outside and is waiting for us to glitz it up! It's taken me a couple of days to move it, turn it and straighten it to make sure it looks good from every angle - does anyone else do that?
Looking at the photo, it isn't actually straight, better get onto that, ggrrrr.

Victoria from Florence and Mary noted on her blog about the new Delia book to accompany the series. I really enjoyed watching the programme, so popped out at the weekend to buy it, and what a good book it is. I've written my list of recipes I'm intending to do, whether they'll happen or not is a different matter.

If I get a chance today, I'll give the cranberry chutney a go as it looks quick and straightforward and ideal for the store cupboard.

I have home son number 1 with the same symptoms as son number 2 a couple of weeks ago. I got the dreaded phone call from school asking me to pick him up as he had a temperature and a headache. I must say he looked very ropey. Today he's not so bad but I can only describe him as a deflated balloon. Such a shame but I'd rather him at home rather than being at school catching whatever else is going round.
Before I forget - did anyone see Kirstie's Christmas programme last night? - it was really enjoyable and very inspiring, although I'm still not a converted tinsel lover. Baubles yes, tinsel no. What I like about her is that she's very real and doesn't pretend to be something that she's not.
The Lewes antiques centre is the exact one we went into a few weeks ago on our little jaunt to Sussex. It is the best antiques centre I've been in and couldn't quite believe it when I saw it on TV last night.
Anyway, cranberry chutney to be getting on with.
Hi Sarah! Hope your son gets better soon! ...my fir is smaller, but it looks in the same way of yours..naked at the bottom..gggrrr!
Have fun with the chutney!
Hi there
Hope your son gets better.
I think you tree looks pretty. We have never had a real tree, I always worry that they wont last, as we like our decorations up as early as poss in December.
I saw both the Delia programme and Kirsties one. Loved both of them. The Kirstie on is on again tonight and tommorrow night. I just love her enthusiasm.
Hope you all have fun decorating your tree.
Sorry to hear that the lurgy is still with you - I hope son No.2 feels better soon.
Glad you mentioned the Delia book as I've been ummmming and arrrrrrhing since watching her programme and I think you have me convinced.
take care,
Nina x
ps. more Kirstie tonight - she's great!
Is that the same tree you had last year? Do you plant it and bring it in again? How does that work, coz I'm tempted to buy a rooted one this year.
I hope Santa wasn't planning to put a copy of Delia on his sleigh for you this Christmas!
I don't watch TV, but if I ask nicely, perhaps the cricket will be switched off and I can watch Kirstie's programme. Hope little one is feeling better soon. xx
You’ll have to let me know how you get on with actually using the Delia book!
I watched Kirstie last night… I forgot it was on until about 7.58 I screamed some expletives and ran up the stairs to turn the TV on!!! I really enjoyed it, her wreath making was somewhat amusing! Didn’t you love how they’d replace the WOW “O” with a wreath and the touches of holly on the W’s.
Victoria xxx
Get well wishes to your son!
You are starting to look very festive!
Love Lou xxx
I just happened upon your blog and love it! So much better than mine.
I have put Delias new book on my christmas wish list lol! I didn't see the programme but I have seen her on a few shows promoting it.
Also I love Kirstie's Homemade Christmas (away to watch it at 8pm.) She gets so much stick but I love her.
Can't wait to read your next posts
Laura x
I loved the Delia programme, I thought she managed to squeeze in plenty of recipes but still made it seem really relaxed and simple - as to Kirsty, I'm still undecided - I'm not sure I'd say she's "real", after all she keeps going on about how you don't really need to spend a lot of money, which makes sense for people (like me) who have been badly affected by the economic situation, but considering her own situation, I can't quite take her seriously...
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