I have a love of badges at the moment and whilst in London, I couldn't resist some from Cath Kidston and some from the London Transport museum - and half the price compared to the Cath ones! I love the little houses. Let's see if I can find some jackets to put them on!
Once the boiler had been sorted, we ventured out to feed some ducks along the nearby river, which also happens to be next to an antiques centre (there was a calculated plan - something for them, something for me!).
I was in a 'purchase' mood and picked up this pretty framed flower which has been sewen. Not sure of it's age but it jumped into my hands.
We then took a drive to the garden centre which happens to sell, besides plants, lots of other goodies. This jug and birdhouse also jumped into my hands. I know I have a lot of jugs, but they are useful for flowers and you can also then have them on display.

Lastly, the other thing to make me smile is getting this award from Laura - A Fennel Designer. Thank you so much. I would like to pass it onto all those lovely blogs I follow - please feel free to accept this award from me!
What's making you smile at the moment?
Just so love the little birdhouse!!
Vicky x
That jug is so cute!! Congratulations on your award!
Love all your buys - London Transport Museum has some good things - I've bought a few pictures from them recently - such nice images - and very reasonable prices - less then£10!
The picture is gorgeous - I'm always on the look out for embroidery - and i'm using a very similar vase at the moment.
Congratulations on your award - I'm off to have a look at utility china - not something I know about -
Lovely things - that lilac picture is so pretty.
I really love the badges from the Transport Museum. And the jug is very sweet.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Unfortunately the shingles seems to be getting worse at the moment and the doctor today gave him a sick note for a week
lovely jug! well done on your award!
The sunshine and a little bit of warmth is making me smile at the moment!! xxx
The picture is so pretty....Congrats on your blog award
I sympathise with you over the boiler - last week our bath was leaking and now I have a great big stain on my kitchen ceiling. Not quite the look I was hoping for but it could be worse I suppose. Thankfully your boiler chose to break down in this warmer weather, can you imagine the misery had it happened a couple of months ago? Love the lilacs, great find.
Kate x
what gorgeous things :o) I really love the flower pic - it's so lovely.
I'm loving the sunshine its keeping me smiling all day ! congrats on the award and passing it on to me as a blog you follow, thanks so much my first one !!!! xxx
I'm off to to London next week, is the Transport Museum still in Covent Gardens?
I know what you mean about Sarah Ravens prices, I keep looking at the button jug, it is so pretty I may just have to get it..x
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