Hello all, it's me again! Thanks to those who emailed me asking where I was.........well I'm back I think!
I've spent some time pondering about blogging. Don't get me wrong - I love reading everyone's blogs and find them very inspirational, but I seemed to have a little bit of a block on mine. Nevertheless I'm here!
I hope everyone's OK, and back into the throws of the school routine again - where did that time go........I'm still grumpy about the fact that our school (along with others) only had a mere 5 weeks - yes that's right 5 weeks. We finished late in July, and they've been back now for virtually 2 weeks. I don't ever remember going back to school on the 1st of September. There must be some logic to it all. Heh Ho.
The summer for us was a busy one as always. We took time out and spent a couple of weekends in the glorious counties of Sussex and Kent, and we so enjoyed them infact we're off again this coming weekend.
We were astounded by the number of great days out you can have in those counties. I think also that as we've recently become National Trust members it's opened up a whole new avenue of places to visit. This will now be our 3rd weekend in Sussex and there's still plenty to do.
For now, I'll share some photo's with you and next time will be a round-up of CS buys along the way.

Sarah ~ it's lovely to see you back in blogland! Have wondered where you were and am glad you are ok. It sounds like you have had a lovely summer and been to some nice places too. We had 7 and a half weeks holidays here in Scotland which seemed to go very quickly so 5 weeks does seem a bit mean and not long enough at all! :O)
Hey Sarah!
Lovely seeing you back in blogland. I know what you mean it was a very meagre 5wks plus a few days! went waaaaaaayy too quick!
Glad you are blogging again. I think its the nature of the beast with this lark, you either have loads to say or show, or it dries up completely!
Thanks for your comment on our rather traumatic wednesday afternoon! the worst thing was one of the firemen has a son in Lala class. Cringe!
Looks like you have had a fun summer. Look forward to seeing you posting again.
Take care.
Welcome back, I know what you mean about blogging... I tend to blog when I have something to say... I am not a sit and write an article kinda gal... so sometimes I have lots to say and other weeks its like a blogging desert devoid of inspiration or anything interesting...
I have never been to either of those counties but the photo's are fab... looks like loads of fun was had by all... we only had 5 weeks too...
x Alex
Hi Sarah, so glad that you have posted. The pictures are lovely, especially the railway station...I love Tenderton, some great little shops there too. I have been planning a trip there with a girlfriend. The castle is great another great day out. Your so right so much to see and do in this area, lots of NT to visit and sweet little pubs for lunching in.
I wish I could get out more at the weekend, I guess you just have to go for it and not worry about everything else.
Is that Bewl Water?
I think most of us get a bit blogged out at times.....I think it can all be a bit time consuming.
Anyway, glad your back.
Good to hear you again Sarah. I agree with your comment on mine about time. It's getting back into that routine again that is manic. Can't believe your was so short compared to our 7 weeks.
When you get a block it's good not blogging and having a break. After a while though you get itchy to come back and I'm glad you did.
Lisa x
5 weeks is no time at all! I hope they're going to make it up to you with a nice long half term and oodles of extra time at Christmas (never ever a long enough holiday then in my view!)!!! t.xx
Lovely to see you and your wonderful photographs, can't wait to see the CS finds ;)
hello Sarah thanks for stopping by!
I have had similar thoughts on blogging, we need to remember why we began
our blogs. Post what and when you want, and don't feel pressure to follow the
Clare xx
Hi Sarah,
We are English Heritage members and I know what you mean about it opening all manner of other doors on days out especially when you have children.
Have a lovely weekend,
Nina x
ps. we had seven weeks and to be honest I was pulling my hair out after five, but all said and done I was sad to see my older two pootle back off to school this week. N xx
Oh WOW, this is a great post & you have the most gorgeous site here. I had to stop by to leave this comment for you – and to say hello of course ! Your posts are creative and original and you have interesting pictures. It's all perfect ! Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes....
First time visiting your lovely blog!
Good that you are keeping with it... because otherwise I wouldn`t have found you!
I felt exactly the way you did... so I decided to take a break, and it did me good!
I`m back at blogging... and loving it!
Hi Sarah, lovely to have you back, did wonder where you were. Great pics sounds like you had a lovely holiday!
Looks like you've had fun, can't wait to see what you brought from the CS,
Victoria xx
I am reading your blog in reverse order so haven't been aware that you had a break.. Blogging does seem to go like that though.. I nearly pulled the plug on mine in the hols.. just felt a total lack of inspiration and confidence in it..
Very glad you are back and your blog is as lovely as ever..
Michele x
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