I don't know about you, but Autumn heralds lots of new and exciting activities for me.
Out comes the bag of knitting - last year I started knitting a granny blanket and managed 3 squares (shamefully!), it then went away at the back of the cupboard to bring out again with the onset of darker/cooler evenings. I'm always more inspired to knit during Autumn and Winter - must be getting ready for hibernation!

Out comes the preserving book, empty jars and a big pan ready in earnest for blackberry and apple jam, blackcurrant jam and chutney's.

Out comes an Enid Blyton book to read whilst sitting under my lovely coloured crochet blanket.

Out come candles to fill the house with a lovely glow and a gentle scent whilst sitting watching a great BBC drama.

Aaaahhhhh..........there is some sadness to say goodbye to those long summer days, but welcome Autumn to everything you bring.
What are you doing this Autumn?
Autumn brings back my cooking (and sadly eating...) mojo..lots of meals shoved in the slow cooker. I fill my cupboards with preserves (still have a load of green tomatoes to turn into chutney). And clean and sort, I never get the urge in the spring but autumn makes me want to get order in the house ready for Christmas!!
i am really looking forward to being in a house that has central heating...and a gas fire! wow! this one sounds silly but the house we live in now means we walk into town a different way so im looking forward to the walk because it is under loads and loads of conker trees, the changes in colour are fantastic allready!!
Hibernating ..... I hate dark nights and mornings!! Not really like you I like to sit and knit or crochet and I need to cracking on gloves and scarves for Christmas pressies for the children I look after.
I am lookig forward to warm evenings in front of the fire... carving the pumpkin and I too have been stripping all the kitchen cupboards and getting them stocked up ready for winter.. I have some crochet blankets to finish off and Christmas presents to make... an a couple baskets of apples to make into pie fillings ready for freezing down for winter crumbles and pies...
I love Autumn, this is my season...
x Alex
Preserving, snuggling and sewing are all at the top of my list, but also open fires, bonfires, hot dogs and woodland walks are also there for me.
Have a lovely day,
Nina x
Autumn for me is all about being cosy. I love getting the house ready with a good clean and sort out if we can. Yankee candles come out in force, although I do always like to have at least one out all year, the autumn winter I really love cinnamon and spicy smells filling the air. To cocoon as much as possible. To do a bit more baking, and going for walks. Nothing like haveing a lovely but cold walk and then coming home to warmth and the prospect of lovely hot cuppa or hot choccy.
Hi Sarah,
I have to admit to having a bit of a soft spot for autumn! Much like yourself, it is the time of blankets, crochet (rather than knitting!) for me, eating yummy warm stews and soups, having warm scarves out and lovely new gloves and crunching in those leaves!
Have a great week :-)
Rose XXX
Snap, I’m with you on all of those! I love too go on a really long walk and come home and sit in front of the log fire.
Lovely too see you back…love Lou xxx
I LOVE Autumn, it always seem so cosy!
I'm playing with felt at the moment and hope to start actively doing some knitting!
Victoria xx
Autumn is my fav time of year, so cosy & you can wear cardies!!
I see you can knit..... well.... have you seen my big knit post???? Sorry I'm badgering everyone, please come & join me. Very poor show at the moment :(
I love your box of candles, how nice!!! and yes, knitting is definitely in full swing now! Together with preserving, although I've made plenty of jam this year already, so I'm going to enjoy other kitchen delicacies!
I love Autumn, I can do the cosy things like knit and crochet! I seem to go back to any tyoe of cooking when autumn arrives too.
I love autumn - it's the smell of winter nights drawing in & fallen leaves - yipee! Much better than being hot & bothered in the summer (feeling fat & frumpy).
Thanks for your lovely words
Love Lydia xx
Well, where shall i begin! I did a knitted blanket last year and have started another for my daughter already, i will post pics of them when it is finished. I rather like the dark nights and i seem to get more sewing done too. Lots of homemade soup and stews is what i look forward too, and bonfire night and Christmas and just cosy nights in! x x
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