One which I hadn't come across until discovering it on Amazon is this one - Enid Blyton's Nature Lover's Book.

Every now and then when I want to forget the pressure's of every day life I get the book out to flick through. Having not done poetry since A'levels (remember those?) I had forgotten how enjoyable poetry can be.
This book contains many, all with a nature theme - this is November's.

It epitomises everything great about each season starting off with a short story for each month of the year, interesting things to do, such as fir cone birds -

The illustrations are so lovely.

My favourite is this one.

It is packed full of useful things such as identifying flowers, birds and trees.

I have to remind myself every now and then, that reading is good for the soul, and for me a book like this puts a perspective on life (simple pleasures) - thanks Enid!
So, for anyone interested in adding a book to their every growing list of books to buy, this is one of them.
It looks lovely - and takes me right back to my childhood!
Pomona x
And the word verification is nests - how appropriate!
What a lovely book. Yes I really loved Enid Blyton when I was a little girl, and really must introduce my girls to her lovely stories. I have to say have never come across that wonderful looking book.
I loved your toadstools from your previous post and I hope your little one is feeling much better now.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane! I remember having that book from the school library back in 1950 something or another!! Did you see the docu/drama about Enid Blyton on the television recently? She wasn't quite as we might think apparently!! Still who is?
It looks great - I remember loving old books like that when I was a child, but I don't think we had that one. Thanks for letting us know about it.
I thought all Blyton books were stories, that one looks lovely!
Mel xxx
PS Mr reindeer hasn't budged off the shelf, can't bear to take him down!!!
What a wonderful and delightful book I have never come across anything remotely like that - it's beautiful.
Nina x
It looks lovely! xx
Whata nice gentle post! Thankyou!
I think sometimes we are just so 'busy' with our lives we forget the simple pleasures like opening a book. We've just recently discovered a quieter, gentler lifestyle by giving away the TV - no more telly for us!
I must say the house does feel more relaxed, no more 'shrieky' audience on x Factor, or non people in the jungle!
Thanks for sharing.
Vicky x
I just came across your blog, its really enjoyable :) I loved Enid Blyton as a kid, have all the Secret Seven and Famous Five books, but that book looks really interesting all about nature with such sweet illustrations, never came across it before. Thanks for sharing
All things nice...
What a fabulous book! I don't know if you "do" flickr but I have an Enid Blyton group and would love to see this book (and any other EB books you have) on there
Victoria xx
In my book, The Famous Five: A Personal Anecdotage (, I discussed Enid Blyton's Nature Lover's books which demonstrated Enid Blyton's profound love and preservation of nature. Those Nature Lover's books should be highly recommended in light of the current climate change threats.
Stephen Isabirye
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