Firstly - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL DADDIES!!!!!!I was determined last weekend to go as long as possible without a charity shop of car boot sale fix. I got as far as one 1 weekend! No willpower eh?Yesterday I was fully charged with my £20 birthday money. My first plan was to go to a couple of bric a brac, antique style shops a mere 10 mins I manage not to go every day when it's that close, I'll never know. Anyway there was lots of eye candy in fact too much eye candy.
What I didn't buy was a vintage deckchair which needed redoing but I know that can be done quite cheaply, and a pair of lovely vintage children's deckchairs, 1 of which was hanging up in the window and it was perfect. Even though I had a mission to 'buy' I didn't want to spend too much, but you never know I might end up going back.
The other shop had a great Triang child's tricycle, in perfect working order. It was quite expensive especially as it would only be for decorative use.
On the flip side I did make these purchases - who can resist Enid Blyton when they're only 50p each!
and a lovely pair of jugs!
Now, I can't remember whether I've shared this jug with you. I got it from a car boot a little while ago for 50p. It's so dreamy, I'm sure you won't mind seeing it again.....

Whilst out and about we stumbled across a salvo yard. I've never been to one before and it was a real treasure trove. As always I never have my camera at the right moment, but it was crammed full of vintage fireplaces, belfast sinks, old wooden doors, Victorian tiles, mangles, you name it they had it. Not only that, but they housed themselves in an old barn which really added to the feel of the place. Even hubby and the boys thought it was wonderful.
If you were doing up an old house, that's the sort of place to go. I can but dream!
Moving on.......I know a lot of us trawl Ebay regularly, but I don't know if anyone has used the Oxfam secondhand website. It's a bit like Ebay but on a smaller scale. The prices aren't too bad and you pay a flat postage fee for any number of items (I think). Worth a look - here's the link
I've yet to make my gooseberry jam in fact I didn't even go to the PYO as the weather was poor, so hopefully if the weather improves I'll go.
Next Saturday, we're off to the Children's food festival near Oxford. We've never been before but it gives children the opportunity to do some hands on cooking, sampling and generally learning about where food comes from etc. Raymond Blanc will be there along with other celebrity chefs so if any of you live nearby and have children it'll be worth going.
See You.