At the weekend I climbed into the attic on the hunt for some Miss Read books - I had read about them on someones post (can't remember who - sorry!). It inspired me to get mine out and read them again. Unfortunately I didn't unearth any amongst all the clutter - however I did discover some treasures which quite frankly I had forgotten about!
The first is a sweet vintage sewing machine called Little Betty, in it's original box with all the tools - and it works! One to have out on display I think.

The second were some Enid Blyton books, I thought all of mine had disappeared over the years so to find some bought squeals of delight. Goodness knows what the rest of the family were thinking! I have recently been trying to build up another collection of Enid Blyton books so these can be added into the mix.

The other set of books I found were these sweet children's stories. I can't remember who or when they were bought, but nevertheless a true delight. The pictures are just fab.

It just goes to show what 10 minutes in an attic can unearth. Who needs car boot sales (well some of the time!). Hopefully the next time I go up there I might find some Fisher Price goodies - I doubt it, but I can live in hope!
I adore old book covers...I'd forgotten about those Molly Brett books!
I mentioned Miss Read recently, when I was talking about sets of things. I just love to escape into those books ;-)
Your sewing machine is lovely!
Victoria x
Love that sewing machine, so cute! that will make a great display.
Loved Enid Blyton when I was a child. The Naughtyest girl in school was my favourite, although the magic faraway tree was a close second. I really want to get some for when my girls are old enough to enjoy them! I think its great when you can pass on a childhood love!
I dont think I have much in our attic only the stuff we didnt want to look at anymore! lol.
I can't believe that stuff was just up in your attic! How nice to find it again. I'm afraid nothing like that is in MY attic.
It's always fun to discover things you had forgotten about. The little machine is lovely - such a nice colour too!
I love your old books. Pip Squeak... :)
Boy that doesn't date us at all. Nope not a day!
SNAP - I found my Enid Blyton books yesterday , well hub did as he was in the attic. Last night and tonight we have read The Enchanted Wood to Milo and he loves it , it makes me so pleased that my children enjoy the books I used to enjoy when I was a child . Love the little sewing machine
Lisa x
I love Little Betty! Definitely should go on display. I loved the Famous Five, I think I might have to see if Mum still has some of my old ones and have a nostalgic read.
You have inspired me to think about going into the loft... it's chocka with stuff and I don't even know what's in most of the boxes! We lived at our old house seven years and have been in this one for two and some boxes haven't been opened in all that time :-S
Mel xxx
wow! its like you spent brought things without spending any money!! great!
what treasures you found i love the little sewing machine i would have it on display as well,it just goes to show you never know what you might find.
I also mentioned Miss Read books. Maybe I should try & get up in the loft though I don't think I'll ever find anything as lovely as your sewing machine :)
that sewing machine is the cutest thing i have ever ever seen and that box is just as adorable.
i love vintage childrens books too,the illustrations are stunning.i have to stop myself ripping out the pages and framing them!naughty me.
the marshmallow wheels are lovely and really easy too,a little time consuming waiting around for things to cool,melt etc but well worth it.let me know how it goes if you try the recipe =)
Hi, I wish we had treasure like that in our loft, no such luck!
I love the sewing machine!
Love Lou xxx
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