I don't normally buy magazines, but feel I can justify them if they've got lots of useful projects in, be it craft/cooking etc.
A while ago I bought Crafts Beautiful where there were so many pretty ideas to implement, I decided to subscribe to it. This month in particular there are some fab projects to do.

The first are some ideas for Father's day. I really like the gift tag which has used the paper Union Jack chains you can buy. Simple but effective.

The next is quite a nice idea for children - some Union Jack handpainted mugs and egg cups. Buy some plain white mugs and decorate them using special ceramic paint and voila!

On the same page is a bag which I fell completely in love with - again staying with the Union Jack theme but using floral fabrics - divine.

Definitely some projects to add to the ever growing list. Does anyone else have a project list of things you really want to make and do, but find other events dictate? Might have to have a re-think on the work/life balance.
Enjoy the 3 days whatever you're planning.
PS - Got some great Laura Ashley bargains this morning. Up to 50% off with an additional 10%!!!! - will share those items with you next week.
I love that union flag bag! It's a really interesting take and very prettily subdued :)
I love all the different versions of the Union Jack flag. The flag has certainly been a wonderful source of inspiration!
Looking forward to seeeing your LA bargains!
Unlike you I am addicted to magazines. I keep a list of sorts with the projects I want to make. Somehow I either lose them or get so distracted with new ideas that they get forgotten about. Need to streamline the process!
Your post before this one made me smile, it is so easy to forget what you have, I reckon we all need 10 minutes in our own loft every month.
Love your blog and would love to see your Laura Ashley bargains.
L.A. at a bargain is always a good thing. Those are some nice ideas and of course they could certainly be done with the flag of USA. I like the ideas. Magazines, admittedly, are my weakness if ever there is one. Well and chocolate too but magazines yes. I look at them over and over add nauseum and I always find something new.
That magazine has some gorgeous things in, I might have to look out for that. Love the mugs! Ours are plain white already so that's giving me some ideas...
By the way you have an award on my blog :)
Mel xxx
I really must make some union jack stuff, I think it's fab...
I have left an award on my blog for you....
x Alex
Hi there, I found your blog on Alex's (Pink Feather Paradise), and I love it. I hope you dont mind, but I've added your blog onto my blogroll.
I am hosting a swap at the moment on my site, please feel free to pop over and take a look, and to join if you wish.
Take Care
Love Melanie xxx
there's nothing like the pages of ads at the back of a special interest magazine to lose both time and money! I used to read CB too.
That magazine looks great I'll have to see if I can get myself a copy.
Victoria xx
I have to admit i am a bit of a magazine addict! might have to add that one to my collection x x
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