Yes that's right ladies (and any gentlemen), I've finally taken the bull by the horns, plucked up courage and picked up a crochet hook.

After 1 hour I had made half an attempt at holding the wool correctly in my hands and getting the slip knot right - yes that's right, 1 hour without even having done anything. So much for anticipating a nice stack of granny thingies by the end of the day!!
After the 2nd hour I had sort of managed to do 6 foundation stitches. This was after watching a you tube tutorial and looking through 2 of my books!! I do think I'm doing something dreadfully wrong as I'm just not getting it at all. The tension keeps going awol and I forget then how to do a foundation stitch.
Into the 3rd hour I have now lost the will to live and have thrown my toys out of the pram like a child and have discarded it (just the mess I had made!).
I think I have tried to run before I can walk as I gallantly tried to do a single crochet whatever and then that's when it all went even messier.
Boo Hoo. (note to self - stick to knitting and sewing). There is always something in life you are unable to master and for me it's crochet......
I'm now going to take myself off and sit in the corner to cry!!!!!!!!!!
Well, at least you tried pet, and that's the main thing. xxxxx
Well Done for trying! You never know, but the next time you try it might all just click and turn out ok ~ keep going :O)
Oh no! It really isn't too bad. I did all the same as you to learn, BUT...I did get a friend to give me a quick lesson, which made the world of difference. So please hunt down someone that can show you and demand a lesson!!! :)
I know what you mean, I've enrolled on a crochet course, the first week was painstaking and looked awful and yes I too felt like throwing my toys, BUT now on my 3rd week and I've finally got the hand of it!!
Just be patient, good luck!
Oh don't worry you'll get it eventually it took me ages to get the holding of the wool right and then I just did row upon row of double crochet(English) or single (American), If you can find someone to show you it will all come good but perservere its so much fun...
If I lived close I would be glad to teach you... I don't think I do though!
On a plus side you can knit... I can't do that for love nor money!
Take care
I was like that for ages, I just couldn't get it at all. It will come though believe me. It might be worth going on a course or getting someone you know to sit with you for a few hours and take you through all the stitches. The thing about crochet is it isn't as easy to master the basics as sewing and knitting (I could knit when I was 5), but once you get going it's much faster and easier to see results than knitting.
aaahhh i remember my 4 hours in front of youtube tutorials learning to crochet !!! but i got it in the end so maybe have a little break from it and go back with renewed enthusiasm - although its addictive when you have mastered it !
lesley x
Don't give up ! "It's really much easier to have someone show you "- that's the feedback I get from most of my crochet workshops and so I would recommend a crochet pal to show you, failing that enrole on a workshop....if you're passing this way \I'd be happy to help !
Well done! There'll be no stopping you now!
Oh, Sarah, you've confirmed all my worst fears of what would happen if I tried it myself! But I think that you're going to get there, particularly if you have someone to watch and guide you through it.
I've just been inspired by your last post to buy some handkerchiefs! I put a link to your post on mine - thanks!
Honestly it will make sense in the end, just like everyone else has said. I made the oddest shapes and thought it was the most unfuriating maddening and daft thing to try and do. Then suddenly it made sense and now a year later I'm about to start teaching my own workshops. Once you get the hang of it you'll find it easier than knitting. See I know you will get the hang of it as you don't sound like the sort to let a hook get the better of you.
Lisa x
Ten out of ten for trying and keep on trying you will get the hang of it one day it will all slot together.
I’m sure you will hang of it soon, says she who has never tried before! ;0)
Love Lou xxx
Well done for trying - I am absolutely useless at crochet though it's not for the want of trying!!! Some things you just have to admit defeat to.
Nina x
Hi there I just came across your lovely blog, Don't give up on the crochet, I have been knitting for years and had tried crochet a few times and gave up, saying I couldint do it but lately through reading everyone's wonderful blogs i perservered and eventually it just clicked with me, now there is no stopping me! Keep at it it will come to you eventually, just keep ripping it out and starting again, dont lose hope! Good Luck, Your Blog is lovely!
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