Hubby picked up a couple of parcels for me which had arrived on Saturday but we weren't in so I was so excited by the time he came home to see what they were.
The first were my PIF goodies from the lovely Alex at Pink Feather Paradise. Inside the wrapped tissue paper which smelt lovely was a super handy little box to store even more of my bits and bobs. Inside that was such a pretty necklace and the colours are so me - even hubby remarked on how apt they were. Alex - you have great foresight! With it was a pretty little flower. Thanks for those Alex.

The next parcel came from the States and Michele from Calico Daisy was paired up with me for the Freestyle Swap which Silkie Sue had organised. Michele sent me a lovely bag with owls on. She had previously asked what I liked that she made and I did say owls so lo and behold that's what I got! She also knew I liked Laura Ashely so sent me a nice notepad along with a pretty hanging cushion.

Unfortunately I didn't take a photo of what I had made for Michele, but it was a hand embroidered Home Sweet Home heart with little flowers on. I then filled it with French lavender. It does rather paltry compared to what she sent me.....
See you all later.
You lucky girl, you got some lovely goodies!
I had some lovely things in my swap…love Lou xxx
I am so glad you liked it... it reminded me of sea glass once I had made it... but it is jade and adventurine...
I love the owl bag that is a very useful size.. and just think how no-one else will have one like that... Jamie has an almost brand new pair of black Wrangler jeans she grown out of, I think I might make those into a bag...
take care
lovely swap goodies :)
Lovely things! But don't worry about your stuff seeming 'rather paltry' - I have been through absolute traumas about my PIF gifts and the two swaps I've done so far, and I've decided that feeling inadequate compared to the person you're swapping with is probably normal and can be safely ignored. (Easier said than done, I know.) Anyway, just have fun and enjoy your lovely gifts, knowing that yours is being appreciated too!
Oooh lovely swap gifts, the necklace is very pretty. And I love the owl bag so cool!
I didn't know you were going to the fair, I think name badges are a great idea!! It'll be so nice to meet up with everyone, I'm going with Julie from Julie's little joys. You can't miss me I have lots of curly dark hair!!! See you there :)
Hi Mandy - Oh I felt such a bleaching noodle! I must let you know that I have yet to, despite many attempts, still not mastered the hook.... at least you can knit (I most definately cannot) and sew (I can of a fashion, so long as stright lines are not required!)Love the flicker on utility ware - my G & G used to have the green ware.... Enjoy your gifts.
What super packages & love the owl bag!
im sure she loved the heart. whenever i do swaps i think similar things...that they wont like it or i didn't send them enough!
Your swap gift to me is beautiful! You hand embroidered it, and my machine made up the owls and dress form while I did something else, so there is no comparison. And, anyway, I told you how much I loved the theme you chose and the lovely lavender, so that's that. You sent the perfect item my way. Next week, I'll blog it and send you photos so you can put it up on your site, too.
Now, put on your necklace, grab your owl bag, and Laura Ashley list and go shopping!
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