Hello again, back to a 5 day working week again, but not long till the next - yipee!
I hope everyone had a great weekend. We were out and about in between catching up on my orders, domestic jobs etc etc. I don't know about anyone else but I often go through bouts of insomnia and this weekend happened to be one of those times. I've had about 7 hours in 3 nights - how pants is that? Consequently this morning I'm going to need copious amounts of coffee. Fortunately kind hubby made up a flask of it before he went to work and it's now all gone and not really kicking in..........em.
Anyway onwards and upwards. I thought I'd share with you some of my fab buys over the last couple of weekends. As most of you probably know Laura Ashely has recently had a sale and I indulged in a couple of very reasonable buys.
I can't remember how much they were but these pretty blue wine glasses were 30% off with an extra 10%. I don't need anymore glasses, but quite fancied drinking my weekend tipple out of them!
I rather liked the table mats so bought those too - don't they go well with the oilcloth?

I popped into a charity shop on Saturday and look at the stash of Ladybird books I got - all for £2.00. The ladies in the shop thought I was a little barmy as I was literally jumping and whooping for joy! They also kindly took my name and number to call me if and when anymore come in.

In my quest to learn to crochet, I took one step further and bought a magazine on it with a bonus of a hook and some wool. I will crochet this year!
Yesterday we went to a couple of boot sales, not much on offer, however I did get 2 items I've always wanted so actually not bad then?!
The first is a Fisher Price Jalopy. The clown's hat is chipped but I didn't care - not for a £1!!!!!!!!! How silly am I though - they had lots of other Fisher Price but I didn't get them. Jack was moaning in the background, his flake had fallen out of his ice-cream, Toby was wittering on so it put me off I think (well that's my excuse).

My other find was a children's wheelbarrow. The man selling it seemed rather embarrassed to charge me £2.00 especially as it's rusty in places - all the better I said!!
Lastly! - Rachel over at Contented is doing a seaside swap so if you fancy it, pop over to her blog.
I love the ladybird books ...there's a great one on learning to crochet, the diagrams are very clear and it's a sure winner if you get stuck !
Lovely finds :)
Well done on the books, like you I adore them and always pay around the 20p mark, never though about leaving my name and number good idea :)
My DS would love love love love that wheelbarrow ;)
I some times suffer from insomnia, it is awful. Where did you pick up that magazine? I've never seen it before, and since I'm also learning to crochet, I thought it would be a good help if I could purchase that magazine. xxx
Hello Sarah.. you have my sympathies about your sleep deprivation.
I am a dreadful sleeper and average about 4 hours a night.. hence the baggy eyes!
I was very interested to see your FP Jalopy toy... I have one too but with several bits missing by the looks of it.
Michele x
Love the jalopy toy, what a great find!
I'm also not getting any sleep but that's more to do with my little man. Hopefully you'll get some tonight!
Beki xxx
Love your booty finds..and as for those Ladybird books,I too would have snapped them up ;-)
Sorry about the lack of sleep. I sometimes get what I call the creeps where I am constantly hear all sorts of creaks and groans through the house, or I think one of the girls are calling when they arent sunday night are usually the worst!
Loved the glasses and placemats very pretty. Those ladybird books I am sure I have the redriding hood one and the rumplestiltskin one too! Loved the wheelbarrow my girls would love something like that. Good bargain hunting.
Hello - just hopped over from Notesfrommydays. Lovely treasures you've found there, and The magic porridge pot! Fabulous - it really takes me back x
My hubs wants a wheelbarrow. Maybe I could get him to offer up on yours!! hehe.
Love the glasses. Beautiful. I'll be needing some soon as I keep breaking ours. Thank goodness I got them for a steal.
Hope you are sleeping better now, l love those glasses and your fisher price jalopy oh and the books look great,l have been looking for some at the car boot but no luck so far well sweet dreams.
Fantastic finds, I saw a wheelbarrow just like that this weekend but has already spent my budget.
As for the crochet, if I can do it, anyone can!
Julia xx
I'm so envious of your finds, they're all so fabulous. I never thought of leaving my details with the charity shops for things to come in.... hmmm something to try!
Victoria xx
Hi, I really hope you dont mind me asking, but how much was the crochet magazine, I cant find a price for it anywhere. I want to put an order in for it with my newsagent, and need to give him the price for it. Do you know if there are any other crochet magazines available?
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