Saturday, 11 April 2009

Pay it forward.............................!

Sorry but another post! I'm following Alex from Pink Feather Paradise and the 'Pay it Forward' gift.

For those who don't know, it goes like this - the first three people to leave a comment will receive a hand made gift from me! The only thing you have to do is participate and carry on the gift giving to three more soon as you have left a comment do a "pay it forward post" on your blog and continue the giving.

Don't forget to let me know how to get in contact with you so I can send you a gift - how exciting!


Josie-Mary said...

This is a great idea :)

bex said...

what a great idea! im going to do my post now!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, fab CK goodies. Please can I join in the pay it forward thingy? Kate x

Anonymous said...

Awww i'm too late! It sounds like fun though. Have fun with this you all!!