Did anyone used to have the Ladybird book 'Learning to Sew' - I did, and it proved to be the grounding for me, in being able to sew a button on, making a simple pin cushion etc etc. My favourite and I'm sure everyone did this - was to make a simple table mat using coloured canvas. You then had some embroidery wool, a tapestry needle and you weaved in and out of the holes. When you had mastered a straight line you could then do zig zags and then even cross-stitch!
I wonder how many primary schools still have 'sewing' time. I knows ours does through it's once a week creative hour, and I know it's not a traditional boys thing to do, but my two really enjoyed it, and were proud of their finished articles.
Bring back sewing classes that's what I say!!
I went to the Country Living fair yesterday and it was brill as always. It was busy but not as busy as I've seen it, which meant all the more goodies for me to buy! I did buy some nice vintage pieces which I will photograph and show you shortly. It's been so busy since I've been back, all my goodies are sitting in a big pile in the lounge waiting for me to unpack. That's the bit I love as I'm sure there will be things I've forgotten about!
hi there, i saw you subscribed to my blog so i popped over to have a look and read an older post of yours about liking buttons. i LOVE buttons and have what is probably considered an obsession with them!! i too hunt around charity shops trying to pick up jars here and there!!
I love those old books aswell! I have one called Things to Make.
Thanks for popping by, looking forward to sitting down later (in peace) and having a good read through of your blog.
I can see straight away that you have great taste.
I also love vintage books and will be looking out for the ladybird sewing one, ebay here I come 'hehe'!
Take care
Beki xxx
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