Normally I hate Mondays but today I'll make an exception because the sun is shining and the washing is on the line. I know it seems quite sad to actually enjoy having the washing out, but everyone has to admit that it always smells fantastic when you bring it in. My primroses are enjoying the nice weather too!
I know it won't last, but I can hope..............!
In another few months, I'll be moaning about having to keep cutting the grass - "you cut the grass" some of you may think, but if I don't do it it won't get done. Hubby will get the lawnmower out, but only if I ask and if I don't mention it we'll probably have 8ft long grass before he would notice. As I work from home and look at it every day, it's just easier to do it myself.
Our garden is quite wild (apart from the grass) as we have lots of trees, bushes and hedgerow and the grass is the only thing I can control. I've tried to accept that the garden is what it is and it is lovely most of the time, but at this time of year it doesn't 'sit' with my desire to having everything 'perfect' and 'exact'.
Heh Ho.
looks to me like your are getting this blogging lark all sewn up here!!
great blog!
I like hanging our laundry on the line, too. Smells fresh and costs nothing!
I used to be the one who mowed the lawn - probably should still do it now for the exercise. But now I have sons old enough to do it, so I just tend my little herb patch and rake the leaves in the fall.
One nice thing about mowing the lawn is the sense of accomplishment it gave me afterwards. Unlike housework the yard would remain neat and tidy-looking for several days after mowing!
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